Testimonial Videos

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Improved Vision - Jose Was Blind, Now Rides Motorcycle! - Red Light Therapy (PBM) - Aug 2024

Jose in Colombia, South America could not see anything due to a detached retina and diabetic retinopathy -- until he found SunPowerLED light therapy.

After only 2 days, the cloudiness in his eyes decreased and he can now see enough to ride a motorcycle around his home in Colombia!

Josh Bowers - Seizures - WDCX Audio Commercial - May 2024

Josh Bowers explains how seizures affected his life until he found SunPowerLED in this audio commercial for SunPowerLED on WDCX.

Now, he has been seizure-free for 3 years!

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Chronic Back Pain Relief - SunPowerLED Light Therapy Changed Mary's Life! - Feb. 2024

For 10 years, Mary Mensah suffered with back pain. When she got a SunPowerLED Palm red & near-infrared (NIR) light therapy device, she found relief that changed her life!

Tyson's Testimony Using a SunPowerLED Helmet for a Concussion - Jan. 2024

In January 2024, 12 year old Tyson tried a SunPowerLED Helmet for a concussion. Tyson and his mother tell the story of how the SunPowerLED Helmet helped him!

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Totally Free of Migraines! - Hannah Dewey's Testimony

Hannah Dewey briefly (< 1min) shares how SunPowerLED Palm light therapy devices have relieved her migraines and given her life back to her!

To watch her full (7mins) testimonial: https://youtu.be/1QaMad54X24

Back Injury Relieved! - Siona Neale's Testimony

Siona Neale shares her personal results of using SunPowerLED Photobiomodulation light therapy devices to recover from a fall and regain mobility and flexibility! She says it "changed her life!"

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Tinnitus Improved! - Dianna Hastings' Testimony

Dianna Hastings of Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, tells how she had significant improvement of her tinnitus using a SunPower LED Palm light therapy device!

Pick Axe Injury & Pain Relief - Caleb de Vries

Caleb de Vries briefly shares how SunPowerLED Palm light therapy devices helped him recover from a pick axe accident that severed his ankle tendon! The doctors told him it would be 6-9 months before he could walk again, but he was walking again in only 4 weeks! Also, by using the light, he didn't need pain medication!

To watch his longer (4min) testimonial, see: https://youtu.be/o-ZMa6rJ6Ac

To watch him walking at 4 weeks, see: https://youtu.be/TCUzb3HSYvk

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Back Pain Alleviated & Hope Restored!

After only using the SunPowerLED Canopy 6-7 times, Erika found great reduction in back pain and an increase in mobility, adding hope to her life!

Knee Surgery Recovery

Mark tells how his SunPowerLED Palm helped him recover from a knee surgery for a torn meniscus so he can run again!

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Broken Ribs Restored & Now Undetectable!

Allan tells how his broken ribs are now amazingly undetectable after using Photobiomodulation!

PBM Increases Mobility

Linda Clark shares her testimony of using Photobiomodulation for Cervical Spinal Stenosis

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Red Light Therapy & Xerostomia

Hear from a dental practitioner about the results of Photobiomodulation

What Are Doctors Saying About Red Light Therapy?

Robbie Raugh from the Raugh Truth interviews Tom Kerber CEO, Dr. Mel Burchman & Dr. Gerald Ross about the amazing benefits of Near-Infrared and Red Light Therapy.

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Fight Pain With Infrared Light

Interview with inventor Tom Kerber

Tom Kerber Explains Red Light Therapy

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) for cancer treatment, as well as the infrared Light Chair for back pain.

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"After suffering with Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) pain and limited jaw opening for 2 years, prescriptions for pain, physiotherapy, appointments with several doctors and surgeons, I am finally getting some relief using red light therapy from Kerber Applied Research.

As a Dental Hygienist of 20 years, and an independent owner of a Dental Hygiene clinic, I am aware of the complexity of issues that can arise with TMJ pain, and I am not willing to settle for reduction of pain. I want my jaw to feel better AND function properly.

Invasive massage and physiotherapy techniques seem to cause further stiffness, swelling, and pain, while passive light therapy triggers muscle release, and gains in jaw mobility almost immediately.

After a month, I have reduced or eliminated medications for pain, and will continue light therapy in hopes of gaining my previous range of motion.

Thanks Tom Kerber and staff! "

Amy Dion (Dental Hygienist)

TMJ Pain Reduction!

"A childhood accident left me with a lower back injury, that, although I didn't know it at the time, would progressively get worse as I aged to the point that it seriously compromised my mobility and the quality of my life.

 With a large busy family of 5 married children and 10 grandchildren standing in the kitchen doing meal prep for a holiday, (or at any time) had become too difficult as I couldn't stand for any significant period of time.

 Long walks, gardening, my two favorite pastimes, had become almost impossible. I rejected the use of medications but grappled with what to do.

 One day I happened across a fellow from Kerber Applied Research, doing research in Photodynamic Therapy, and he said that I would benefit from light therapy. I purchased his Light Canopy and after just a few sessions I noticed improvement

After only three months of use the quality of my life has improved considerably. There is a renewed sense of hope and joy in my life. "

Allan Crowe

Broken Ribs Restored!

 "After a cycling accident the ambulance took me to the hospital. At the hospital X-rays revealed 2 ribs the left 5th and 6th lateral ribs were broken with a collapsed left lung

Pain registering 7 out of 10 they discharged with no pain medication prescribed.

Recommended to rest and resume activity as pain permits with an expected recovery time of 6 weeks. Starting the day following I began 30 minutes to 1 hour of PBM therapy daily using the full body Kerber Applied Research Light Bed. The device delivers wavelengths of 600 thru 1350 nm.

After the initial 1 hour treatment I was on my bike that afternoon for a 25KM ride. 

Exercise resumed daily either bike rides or runs. Into the 2nd week of treatment I began using the SunPowerLED Mini-Canopy panel device (12 inch by 14 inch surface area) producing wavelengths at 660 nm, 850 nm and 940 nm. Treatments were for 30 minutes to 1 hour.

After 3 weeks a follow up visit to the hospital for x-rays. The doctor commented he could see no sign that the ribs had ever been broken! "

Erika Froese

Lower Back Injury Restored!

I can report some very positive results from the Palm Professional (Pro) that I purchased for one of my targets.

I've had a tendon/muscle in my left calf that I've never been able to figure out how to stretch, and has basically been spasmed for about 3 decades.

Very, very sore to the touch, but otherwise not interfering with my life, except possibly contributing to some restless leg syndrome.

Well, after using the Pro on it for a few weeks now, it is almost pain-free to the touch.

I would say that some long, long term inflammation has just about cleared up.

Thanks a bunch, planning to use the Pro to introduce others to PBM, while being able to keep the Ultimate at home for myself 🙂

Eric Weisgerber

Muscle Spasm Relieved!