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Welcome to Our Website!

Tom Kerber, President of Kerber USA, and staff welcome you!

We are delighted to have helped so many people with pain and discomfort with our SunPowerLED™ light therapy devices! We have seen people with chronic pain, inflammation, and many other issues find relief! Some of our many success stories are on the Testimonials page.

Our products provide red and near-infrared (NIR) light energy. This is called Photobiomodulation (PBM) or Red-Light Therapy, which provides light energy directly into the cells to improve a variety of cellular functions. PBM has been researched for decades around the world with positive results! In fact, according to the PBM Foundation, “PBM has been used in over 100 million patient treatments without any documented side effects.”

Our special design allows extra optical power with less heat for even deeper penetration of the light energy! So, with our products, you can reach your wellness goals much faster!

We have a wide variety of light therapy products to meet your professional or individual needs!

If you have any questions, please call us at (888) 913-0012!

We look forward to helping you get out of pain & improve your overall wellness!

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A man with a light up helmet on his head.

What is Photobiomodulation (PBM)?

What is PBM Red Light Therapy?
PBM therapy is the application of red and near-infrared light to diseased or injured tissues to reduce inflammation, promote regeneration and enhance immune resilience.

PBM triggers photochemical changes in the body, in the same way, photosynthesis affects plants or sunlight stimulates vitamin D synthesis.

"Every middle school child who studies biology will know what mitochondria are. They are the parts inside every one of our 37 trillion cells that make energy (ATP).

But when we are injured, stressed, or just old, those mitochondria produce less ATP and more free radicals (ROS).

These ROS lead to inflammation (inflammatory cytokines), cell death, and the triggering of genetic weaknesses that lead to degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis, dementia, Parkinson’s Disease, cancer, etc.

When we apply light at the right wavelength, intensity, and time parameters, inflammatory cytokines are reduced, ATP is increased, and the body starts to heal more quickly."

Source: PBM Foundation

PBM is Revolutionizing Healthcare!

Scot Faulkner of the PBM Foundation:

How Photobiomodulation Light Therapy is making a profound impact on healthcare worldwide and truly revolutionizing healthcare! (1.5 mins)

To watch the whole video (42 mins), click here.

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Why SunPowerLED?

Why Select SunPowerLED?
SunPowerLED devices feature a patent-pending cooling system that allows you to hold the light next to your skin for longer periods of time, resulting in increased light penetration.

Our technology allows us to offer medical-grade PBM devices that can be used in the convenience of your own home!

In addition to personal home use, SunPowerLED devices are being used in many health and wellness centers around the world by dentists, chiropractors, physiotherapists, etc.

SunPowerLED devices are also being used for leading-edge PBM research!

A woman in red bra and panties standing next to window.
A man holding a SuperPalm light therapy device in his hands.

SunPowerLED Products

Our "Palm" Light Therapy Devices - For Handheld Convenience
Our handheld models, called Palms, include the Classic, Professional (Pro), Ultimate, and SuperPalm1050, each wonderful for different needs to help you achieve greater wellness!


Our latest model, the SuperPalm 1050, offers the 1050nm wavelength, for even deeper penetration of tissues, based on clinical research. So, the SuperPalm 1050 is our best handheld model for relieving aches and pains, especially for deep back muscles and for reaching large joints like the hip! Click here for more info.


It has the same 660nm and 810nm wavelengths as the Palm Professional, but it offers 25% more optical power than the Palm Professional, allowing you to reach those deeper areas faster! So, the Ultimate is 25% more powerful to reach the body issues that are bothering you! Click here for more info.


The Professional is great for aches and pains of most joints because it uses PBM, which has been clinically proven to reduce pain and inflammation! In addition to the 660nm, the Palm Professional also offers the 810nm wavelength, which has been clinically shown to provide deeper penetration of the light into the body. Click here for more info.


Ideal for surface-level use, wrinkles, acne, eczema and other skin conditions, as well as a general increase in blood circulation. It offers a 660nm wavelength for bright red light, which is great for skin and dermatologic issues such as wounds or scars. Click here for more info.

Our Larger Products - For Larger Treatment Areas - For Professional & Home Use

A man laying down under red light in the sun.


The Full Canopy is 6 times the size of the Mini-Canopy, allowing you to treat an even larger area of the body all at once!

For more information about pricing and customization options, please call Tom Kerber at (905) 517-3606, Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST.


A red light is on in the corner of a room.


The Mini-Canopy is perfect for large problem areas of the body but is small enough to be convenient for home use.

It allows you to treat an entire region at the same time!

Click here for more info.

For even more information, please call Tom Kerber at (905) 517-3606, Mon- Fri: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST.

A man with lights on his head and pink light


Breakthrough medical studies are showing huge success in the area of Transcranial Photobiomodulation (tPBM) for a variety of neurological issues!

See our webinars about Transcranial Photobiomodulation (tPBM) from Sept. 2023 and Jan. 2024 here.

For more information, please click here.

Learn More

The Advances in Photobiomodulation Are Exciting and Rapidly Progressing!

Major medical oversight groups and associations like the American Dental Association (ADA), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), and the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) are now endorsing the use of PBM therapy.


A group of logos for the american dental association, cdc, and va.

Click One of These to Learn Even More:


PBM Red Light Therapy for Brain Trauma & Function! - Alex Fergus & Tom Kerber - Webinar - Oct 2024

Alex Fergus, an independent red light therapy product reviewer, interviews Tom Kerber about using the SunPowerLED Helmet for brain trauma and restoring cognitive function.

They cover a lot of ground, talking about stroke recovery, decreasing the effects of opiate addiction, concussions, dementia, wavelengths, frequency, pulsing, and why power output matters!

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Recent Testimonials

Improved Vision - Jose Was Blind, Now Rides Motorcycle! - Red Light Therapy (PBM) - Aug 2024

Jose in Colombia, South America could not see anything due to a detached retina and diabetic retinopathy -- until he found SunPowerLED light therapy.

After only 2 days, the cloudiness in his eyes decreased and he can now see enough to ride a motorcycle around his home in Colombia!

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Josh Bowers - Seizures - WDCX Audio Commercial - May 2024

Josh Bowers explains how seizures affected his life until he found SunPowerLED in this audio commercial for SunPowerLED on WDCX. Now, he has been seizure-free for 3 years!

Tyson's Testimony Using a SunPowerLED Helmet for a Concussion - Jan. 2024

In January 2024, 12-year-old Tyson tried a SunPowerLED Helmet for a concussion. Tyson and his mother tell the story of how the SunPowerLED Helmet helped him!

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Recent Webinars

PBM Red Light Therapy Helps Recovery of a Car Accident, Stroke & Arthritis - Merton Hunte - Oct. 2024

Host Tom Kerber welcomes Merton Hunte who tells how PBM Red & Near-Infrared Light Therapy helped his stroke symptoms, dizziness, eye pain, back pain & arthritis in his hand. Merton had suffered for many years due to a car accident and a stroke, along with arthritis, but he found relief using SunPowerLED products!

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Treating Pain on a Plane with PBM Light Therapy! - Dr. Hayman Buwan - Oct. 1, 2024

Tom Kerber, President of SunPowerLED, welcomes special guest Dr. Hayman Buwan! Dr. Buwan talks about the PBM 2024 Conference in London, UK and new Photobiomodulation (PBM) research.

He also shares stories and pictures of treating people with pain using our SunPowerLED devices while onboard a plane!

Dr. Buwan and Tom Kerber answer attendees' questions at the end. We hope you enjoy this interesting webinar!

Light Therapy for Oral Mucositis & Nausea - Dr. Burchman, Dr. Arany, Dr. Ross - Sept. 24, 2024

Dr. Mel Burchman, Dr. Praveen Arany, and Dr. Gerry Ross join host Tom Kerber to explain how Photobiomodulation (PBM) Light Therapy helps oral mucositis & nausea. Oral Mucositis is a side effect of chemotherapy and radiation that makes eating difficult. Thankfully, our light devices have been able to help people find tremendous relief!

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Red Light Therapy & PBM for Tendonitis, Osteoarthritis, Neuropathy & Cysts - Sept. 17, 2024

Tom Kerber, President & Founder of SunPowerLED welcomes Jeff Miller, war veteran and former firefighter who tells how he found relief for his severe chronic tendonitis & osteoarthritis using our SunPowerLED Palm handheld device - in 5 minutes!

Additionally, Janet Stokes tells how red light therapy reduced the cyst on her eye. Ruth Houde tells how our product helped her Baker's cyst on the back of her knee. Dr. Mel Burchman also discussed how Photobiomodulation (PBM) red & near-infrared light therapy helps neuropathy.

Sleep & Stroke - Red Light Therapy - Photobiomodulation Webinar - Sept. 10, 2024

Tom Kerber, President & Founder of SunPowerLED, presents clips of experts and guest testimonials of how Red Light Therapy / Photobiomodulation (PBM) has helped with sleep issues and strokes.

Dr. Mel Burchman gives a brief description of what PBM is and how it works. Dr. Jennifer Flora tells how PBM helps her sleep better. Also, Dr. Jamal Fakhoury discusses using red light therapy to relieve strokes.

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PBM Light Therapy - Migraines, Muscle Cramps & Seizures - Sept 3, 2024

Tom Kerber welcomes Debbie Stec to tell how her lifelong migraines were relieved with her SunPowerLED Palm handheld device! Hannah also shares how her migraines were almost eliminated! Also, Josh explains how seizures affected his life until he found our products. Now, he has been seizure-free for 3 years!

PBM Red Light Therapy Helps Hips, Dizziness, & Headaches - Joanie Baker - July 9, 2024

Tom Kerber, President & Founder of SunPowerLED, welcomes Linda Joanie Baker who tells how PBM Red & Near-Infrared Light Therapy helped her hip, face, dizziness, & headaches!

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Dr. James Tour, PhD - Nano-Machines & Light Kill Cancer! - Mar 26, 2024

Tom Kerber of SunPowerLED welcomes special guest Dr. James Tour, Ph.D., FRSC, NAI, NAE, who tells how he combines nanoengineering and photoactivation to create light-powered sub-microscopic machines that act as jackhammers to safely kill cancer cells!

For more info about Dr. Tour, click here.

PBM Light Therapy Helps Reverse Cognitive Issues - Alan McGuirl - March 12, 2024

Tom Kerber welcomes Alan & Florrie McGuirl to share how they used the SunPowerLED Photobiomodulation Light Therapy Helmet to help Alan significantly recover from Lewy Body Dementia!

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LET THERE BE LIGHT... and the light was good. Genesis 1:3


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